Saturday, November 25, 2023

guava is good for weight loss

Consuming a guava every day helps you maintain a healthy immune system. it is a good source of vitamin C. It shields our body from illness and infections.

The fruit can be red, white, yellow, or pink inside. Antioxidants are abundant in both the white-fleshed and red-fleshed varieties of guava. Pink guava contains carotenoid, a naturally occurring class of organic pigment that gives carrots and tomatoes their distinctive red color. Pink guava can be eaten at any time, but it should not be eaten on an empty stomach. 

guavas are a food that is good for weight loss. They are a filling, low-calorie snack with only 37 calories and 12% of your recommended daily fiber intake. Fruits are healthy, and patients without kidney disease can consume all fruits; however, patients with kidney disease should include low-potassium fruits like apples, papaya, pears, strawberries, guava, pineapple, and others. 

Guavas are a very healthy food for diabetics and those most at risk for developing diabetes because they have a very low glycemic index and glycemic load. Hypertension increases the risk of kidney damage.

Drinking water after eating fruits can cause stomach acidity because it prevents the fruit from being absorbed and digested. some people feel uneasy after eating fruit.  

Guavas, guava leaves, and unripe guavas all have strong astringent properties. Apply a decoction of guava leaves and fruit to your skin to tone and tighten your facial muscles. The vitamin C in the water from the guava leaves increases collagen activity and hair growth. Vitamin B aids in the growth of hair strands and scalp strength both of which are necessary for the growth of hair. 

the seeds of the guava accumulate in the intestines, our society once believed that eating a whole guava could cause appendicitis. any food including guava bit by mouth will be obliterated by stomach related catalysts, and appendectomy can happen with numerous different variables

Guavas are one of the most extravagant wellsprings of dietary fiber. Fiber in your diet is exactly what you need to maintain healthy bowel movements. 

In addition, guava seeds are effective as a laxative, so you can rely on this fruit throughout the winter to alleviate constipation and other digestive issues. 

Additionally, if consumed on an empty stomach, fruits that contain an excessive amount of fiber and fructose can impede digestion. Guava and oranges, two fruits high in tough fiber, should be avoided early in the morning

 guava leaves lighten dark spots on your face and remove blemishes from the skin. Guava leaves are an effective acne treatment and make a great ingredient for lightening the skin. This gives you a complexion that looks clear and free of spots. 

These leaves have antiseptic properties that help you get rid of acne and prevent it from coming back. They also kill the bacteria that cause it. Making a paste out of these leaves and a little water is an easy way to treat acne.

Sprinkle some rose water on pounded guava leaves, apply it to your face and wash it off. This can help you get clean skin, open up your pores, and get rid of blackheads from your face. It also works well as a scrub. 

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