Saturday, December 2, 2023

peacocks are known to be aggresive

The male is strictly a peacock, while the female is a peahen. Peafowl are both. The blue, or Indian, peacock (Pavo cristatus), which can be found in Sri Lanka and India, and the green, or Javanese, peacock (P. muticus), which can be found in Myanmar (Burma) to Java, are the two species of peafowl that are the most well-known.

They are able to fly short distances. They first run and then hop before taking off from the ground when they do that. The tail feathers of a peacock are up to 6 feet long and account for 60% of its body length. 

Peacocks, in particular, are known to be aggressive and fiercely territorial birds. Peahens who have laid eggs will go after any individual who gets excessively near their home, and peacocks - who like to keep a collection of mistresses of peahens to themselves while mating will go after different guys when they feel infringed upon.

There are such countless episodes where peacocks have gone after people and killed. They have pecked and scratched at kids in zoo. they have harmed numerous properties subsequent to investigating their reflections(which fears them),there are such countless occurrences where they went after and killed their proprietor.

Dogs generally arouse the same fear in peafowl. You can keep your dog in the yard if you have an invisible fence to discourage visitors. When you see the birds, you can also bring a leashed dog outside and forcefully evict them from the property, keeping Fido far enough back that he can't actually reach them.

Peacocks display their impressively large and patterned plumage by fanning out their feathers as part of a courtship ritual in order to attract a mate. When a male woos a female, he spreads out his tail feathers to show her his colors and eyespots fully

the rowdy peacock is not just screaming to hear his own lovely voice. Instead, it's likely that he's reacting to some kind of disturbance. When a peacock makes noise at night, it means that someone, whether an animal or a person, is doing something that is out of the ordinary for the area

they're about as bright as a domesticated turkey.  people love the birds because they are beautiful. Aromatic pepper, both fresh ground black and powdered red pepper, works well to repel peacocks and make an area uncomfortable for them. One of the most well-known things that keeps peacocks away is water. 

Insects are one of the peafowl's favorite foods. Peacocks are not picky and will eat almost any bug, including ants, flying insects, and grubs. Spiders, which are not insects but are frequently included in the same category, are also part of their diet.

For optimal health, feeding peafowl a diet high in protein is essential. Pellets or mixed corn should not be given to your peacocks as basic poultry layers. The peafowl won't be able to live and reproduce in a healthy way because these feeds won't contain enough protein.

peacocks in the forest consume both plants and small animals like millipedes, centipedes, termites, rats, mice, and frogs.

Aside from that, they are fine with chickens. All wormed chicken and peafowl should be kept. Disease will be reduced as a result. Peafowl cannot live in cold climates, and their health can be seriously compromised if temperatures fall below 0°C (32°F). 

Peafowl typically reach breeding age at two years. While some chicken can carry blackhead without harming them, it is deadly to turkey and peafowl. Peahens occasionally produce fertile yearling eggs. They will lay these eggs late in the mid year after they have turned one year old. When a yearling hen is in the same pen as a mature male, she has the best chance of laying eggs.

Peahens, or female peacocks, choose their mates based on what they find attractive. During the first two weeks, the male provides the majority of the food, so peahens frequently select males based on the quality of their trains. It is expected that the chicks will spend at least two months with their mother.

However, this is merely a legend. A Silver Pheasant, a bird in the peacock family, has changed its sex from female to male, a rare and unique phenomenon. Peacocks do mate like other birds, and peahens do not impregnate by swallowing tears